Traditional radio is ready for programmatic advertising

After the Virtual Minds Media Manager was used as an SSP within a programmatic linear radio campaign for the first time in November 2023, the second campaign has now been successfully sent through the airwaves. In the current field test for the Hornbach DIY chain, the Virtual Minds Media Manager also formed the programmatic tech stack for the playout as an SSP in conjunction with the Active Agent DSP.

The programmatic campaign was realised by audio marketer RMS in collaboration with Virtual Minds, Mediaplus Realtime and audio ad management provider aireal. The 20-second commercial was broadcast from 22 to 29 February both in the linear programme and in the digital audio stream of radio station Antenne Bayern, reaching almost seven million contacts within the target group of 20 to 59-year-olds.

The special feature of this campaign was its innovative approach, which integrated both online audio and linear radio in one deal setup and thus made it possible to control digital and linear contacts via a single deal within the DSP or SSP.

In order to avoid replaying the same advert to listeners who use both linear radio and the online stream, RMS worked with audio ad tech company aireal to implement a so-called “cross-auditive grace time” in the playout logic. This minimised the probability of double playout by means of a time buffer and thus optimised the total number of contacts across both playout channels.

For Dirk von Borstel, Managing Director of Virtual Minds, the campaign shows “that traditional radio is now also ready for programmatic advertising. With cross-auditive advertising playout on FM and digital audio, the radio genre is tapping into the huge potential and efficiency benefits of programmatic marketing in its entirety.”

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